The importance of doing research together

What if we can grow cucumbers in the Netherlands all year round? Now, many cucumbers are still imported from southern countries during the winter months. But the demand for local, reliable production of fruit and vegetables has grown in recent years and was given an extra boost by the corona virus. Greenhouse horticulture is responding to this development by researching how we can grow cucumbers throughout the year in such a sustainable, efficient way, with the help of additional (LED) lighting. This illuminated cucumber crop is currently being tested at Botany, a research partner for companies in, among other things, greenhouse horticulture.

Innovation through co-creation

In order to be able to give complete advice to growers, it is important that the participants in the study work well together. Maarten Vliex, Project Manager at Botany: “All participants investigate an essential link in the chain and sharing knowledge is very important to make it as strong as possible. That makes this research unique and powerful; actively looking for new knowledge together and sharing it so that we can innovate together. Ultimately, the grower has the greatest interest in this.”

Grodan Still

Watch the second episode on illuminated cucumber cultivation

As many as ten companies from greenhouse horticulture are participating in this trial at Botany. In three episodes we show how these companies conduct research and what the value is for their knowledge and innovation.

Illuminated cucumber cultivation

blog, article, grodan, growers, Gro-Hack

Episode 2

vertical farming, botany, learning, grodan

Episode 3

blog, article, grodan, growers, Gro-Hack

Episode 4

Blogs about illuminated cucumber cultivation