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Best Practice Guidelines for Greenhouse Water Management

Riley Jones
August 15, 2023

Did you know that growing one kilogram (two pounds) of tomatoes in an open field requires a staggering 60 liters (16 gallons) of water? However, in a hydroponic greenhouse cultivation, only 15 liters (four gallons) of water is needed. With the use of state-of-the-art greenhouse technology, this water usage can be further reduced to as little as 4 liters (one gallon) per kilogram (pound). These significant savings are achieved by implementing more efficient water application methods, such as measuring irrigation and reusing drain water. 

The "Best Practice Guidelines for Greenhouse Water Management" provides growers with valuable information on optimizing water usage in their greenhouse. From advice about irrigation during the first weeks of a new crop and choosing your substrate to designing irrigation systems and methods to clean water, this comprehensive guide covers it all. 

This collaborative effort brings together suppliers who share their expertise and experience to promote environmental sustainability in the greenhouse sector. By following these guidelines, greenhouse farmers can achieve: 

  • Improved water resource management by utilizing water more efficiently. 
  • A reduction or elimination of pollution caused by fertilizer run-off, resulting in a healthier environment.